środa, 15 marca 2017

"The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The Little Prince is a short story written and ilustrated by  Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - writer, poet, journalist and pioneer aviator. I read this book first time in polish version in primary school and  i really liked it so when couple months ago my English teacher gave us homework to read a simplified reading I decided to read it once again.

Narrator is a pilot who was forced to emergency landing in the Sahara desert. During the reapir of the plane he meets the title Little Prince. The Boy tells him about his life on the ateroid B-12 and about the planets he visited durnig his journey and about their inhabitants.
I particularly liked the illustrations made by the author and the styling on the fairy tale. Story is addictive and the characters met by the Little Prince are very interesting - each of them presents different views on life so every meeting teaches something to the main character. The message in the story is rather simple, but thanks to it, it is universally accessible, it can reach people of all ages.
I recommend the book "The Little Prince" because it is very simple and pleasant reading ideal for short sessions before sleep and its enriched with philosophical nuances and with a timeless message.

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