czwartek, 20 kwietnia 2017

'Love Actually' by Richard Curtis

‘Love Actually’ is written by Richard Curtis. I decided to read it two months ago and I really warmed to plot. What convince me to this book is the fact, that Curtis has spoken negatively about the editing process for the film, which he labeled as a "catastrophe" and "The only nightmare scenario that I’ve been caught in". So I decided to check differences between a plot of book and film.

Time the action takes place in London during five weeks before Christmas. The central character is the new prime minister David who fell in love in Natalie. The prime minister's older sister Karen discovered betrayal of her husband- Harry. Karen's friend Daniel is a widowed writer whose 11-year-old son asks for love advice about a girl. Meanwhile, Jamie is another writer who travels to France to write a novel where he pursues a possible romance with his non-English speaking Portuguese maidservant Aurelia.  Other characters involve a photographer who pursues his best friend's new wife Juliet. In this book we can find also an ageing rock star named Billy Mack who is the main connection between all stories involved.

'Love actually' is a great book, that combines romance with everyday problems. This is smart, funny, romantic book  for anyone who still believes that despite the madness and uncertainty of modern life, love actually is all around.

I recommend this book because of very interesting plot and characters.

1 komentarz:

  1. I decided to read it two months ago and I really warmed to the plot.


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