czwartek, 20 kwietnia 2017

"Made In Dogenham" by Sally Hawkins, Bob Hoskins, Miranda Richardson

Two months ago, I borrowed a book by Sally Hawkins, Bob Hoskins, Miranda Richardson. I borowed it because I am interested in history of this book. The book was bosed on events from Ford factory in Dogenham. This event took place in 1968  in London.

This book tells the story of working  women in the sewing room, in the production of seat covers and  different types of upholstery for cars. The conditions in which they perform their work are heavy and their earings are about half smaller than man. The women did not liked therefore organised a strike June 7, 1968. Representative  of the strike is Rita who works in this factory. She also spoke at the conference compounds. Women want to get fair pay and fair treatment.

The book has very interesting story. I really like the behavior of Rita because she can fight for justice.

Generally I recommend this book because in an interesting way presents the lives of women in 1968. Book is written in simple language and well.

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