"Five Famous Fairy Tales" is short written by Hans Christian Andersen. I Decided to read this book because, when I was little girl my mother was read goodnight to me. I want to read it again alone. Do you like to read novels ? Feel the magial atmosphere thanks to stories chosen from many generations around the word.
One on five stories tell about a woman with three sons. They have a magical table, donkey and stick.
Chapter two tell about jealous queen with beautiful daughter and manypronces who was waiting for a bad fate.
Chapter three. There was a poor man name Hans, he had nothink but he was happy.
Chapter four. There was fisherman he never caught many fish and had no money.
Chapter five. There was king with sons and daughter, their mother die.
The most what I like is the clima of the action.There were thunderous moments which later woke joy.
I recommend this book because it teaches many important things in life for example to be honest.
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