poniedziałek, 4 czerwca 2018

"The Trumpet of the Swan" E.B. White

My first encounter with "the trumpet of the swan" was completely accidental. I came to this book by browsing through a list of many titles, and I must admit that it was a happy luck to decide how to choose it. I did not even pay attention to the author, who, as it later turned out, has other titles directed primarily to the youngest. Titles such as "Tiny Stuard" and "Charlotte Web", which have been very successful not only in the home country of the author, but also around the world. It may seem that the book addressed to the youngest will not carry any greater values beyond the simple content, but in the case of books by this particular author, most of the events and words spoken by the bochater have a deeper context and affect interpersonal relationships.
The book tells the story of a trumpet's swan family, where one day the desired triplets come to the world. However, it turns out that one of the young is different from the others. Louis, because that's his name is not able to make any sounds. For his surroundings it is becoming a serious problem, because the trumpeter's tradition has just been shaken. However, the above events are only the background of the actual content. The story of Louis is a story of dissimilarity, acceptance and lack of it, a history of friendship and trust. The story created by E.B Whita is a clear transfer of situations in which we can find the best, to the fairy-tale world. In this book I was charmed by the simplicity but also by the accuracy in the assessment of interpersonal relationships, and accurate conclusions from them drawn. "The Trumpet of the Swan" made a very positive impression on me, because it consists of a simple but interesting story and a really deep message.

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