niedziela, 10 czerwca 2018

The Diary of a young girl by Anne Frank

   I read The diary of a young girl by Anne Frank during May holiday. I decided to read this book becouse I heard a lot of positive opinions about this book and I interested in history and World War Two. The most interesting thing is that this story was happened really and this story was written by really young girl who did not afraid of soldiers and her life.

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   The plot was in Amsterdam in World War Two and the main protagonist is young girl Anne. She was Jewess. Every of thm know that The German hated Jews and killed everyone of them. Anne and her family didn't have a chance too. They found a small flat and hide in there. Their living conditions was very bad. They don't have food and  money. Anne Frank was very clever girl. She was writing a lot of notes for Kitty- her imaginary friend. Did she survive World War Two? How about her family and friends? You must read this book if you want know of your answers.

   This story is like diary. I was captivated by this story. As for protagonists place of plot, it was desribed in details. Story tought me a lot of and showed me realy, brytal life. Book was written of very easy worlds and this will be good for young readers. This book is the best for people like me, people who like learning new things about War and don't like brutal and bloody descriptions. I think story is breathing and wonderful but sometimes appalling. 

   To sum up I was satisfied when I was reading The diary of a young girl. I want to recommend it for everyone and primarily for teenagers and younger children. Story showed Jews and history. I think that I want to read this book again.

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