wtorek, 5 czerwca 2018

Seven Bruno Anthony

"Seven" by Bruno Anthony
One week ago  I read an great book called "Seven" by Bruno Anthony.
I decided to read it because I very like criminal and horror story. I heard a lot of positive opinions about this book.

The  book is based on the famous American thriller with the main Hollywood stars in the lead roles. According to the story, two police detectives are investigating the case of the serial killer John Doe. The maniac considers himself as the instrument of God and consistently pushes people for seven deadly sins. The killer exposes his victims to fatal physical and mental suffering, which is prepared with a cold premeditation. The sophisticated tormentor and murderer leaves only а title of the sin and a clever puzzling clue at the crime scene, allowing to find the next ‘sinner’. John Doe thinks his activity is a sermon aimed to teach the citizens a good lesson.

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