Two days ago I read book called Forest Gump by Winston Groom.I decided read this book becouse it know in the whole world and have only good opinion.
The story talks about young boy who was borned in USA. He had only close friend, Jenny. He was cleverer than other peers but he had problems with learning . Regardless of he achieved sukcess in his life. .He could run very fas so he became football star. He took part in war in the Wietnam and he met president of USA and other knowing person.When he came back to US, he started schrimp busines.
The Groom`s novel isvery good . The plot is intestenig and we can feel like main protagonist. In addition the book was wtitten simply language so we can read it fast and pleasantly.
In my opinion this book is recomendalbe and everybody should read it. The story shows that we should recpect every people .In addition we can know history US and a lot of konowing person.
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