piątek, 21 kwietnia 2017

The Body by Stephen King

"The body" is a novella written by Stephen King. I decided to read this story because I have read a few books by this author before and I like his way of telling stories and his style. Also "The Body" is a story everyone can relate to on some level so I chose it. 

In 1960, America a young boy- Gordie Lanchance and his three friends accidentaly hear about a boy in a  forest. Or more precisely about his body. He was killed by a train and now the police is trying to find his corpse. But the boys - always ready for an adventure- decide to be faster than others and then their journey begins. The adolecents get a chance to dicover  cruelty of the world but also its wonders.

The characters of this book seem to very real. It's almost like reading about an event in the past that truly happened with real charactes etc. The plotline is led at perfect pace, there are fragments when you get to know more about the boys and their families or you get a chance to stop and think about what the writer wants to tell you but there are fragments where you go with the flow of events and wait in fraught to see how the plot will solve, too. The action many times was so gripping indeed you couldn't wait to keep reading.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is fond of reading about adventoures or mysteries.As I said the story is highly relatable because it tells first of all about friendship. The language was very accessible as well but easily you can find there some new interesting words too. In conclusion I think that the novella by Stephen King is worth attention even if you are not really intersted in his bibliography.

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