czwartek, 25 maja 2017

"Safe haven" by Nicholas Sparks

Two months ago I read book called "Safe haven " which was written by Nicholas Sparks. I realy enjoyed  reading that book, and that was my second time with it. Last year I read it in Polish wersion, and I also watched the movie. That book was on top of the bestseller list and that made me choose it.

środa, 3 maja 2017

"Animal Farm"

I read “Animal Farm” by George Orwell online during winter holiday. It was my homework but I would do it even if it wasn’t because last year I read it in polish and as in my opinion it’s better to read books, poems and so on in their original language because there may be things hard to translate or completely untranslatable, I would reach out for it in english then. But I thought thoughts like “big name = hard sentences abstract for me”. The year after I tried and it turned out to be not as difficult.

piątek, 21 kwietnia 2017

The Body by Stephen King

"The body" is a novella written by Stephen King. I decided to read this story because I have read a few books by this author before and I like his way of telling stories and his style. Also "The Body" is a story everyone can relate to on some level so I chose it. 

In 1960, America a young boy- Gordie Lanchance and his three friends accidentaly hear about a boy in a  forest. Or more precisely about his body. He was killed by a train and now the police is trying to find his corpse. But the boys - always ready for an adventure- decide to be faster than others and then their journey begins. The adolecents get a chance to dicover  cruelty of the world but also its wonders.

The characters of this book seem to very real. It's almost like reading about an event in the past that truly happened with real charactes etc. The plotline is led at perfect pace, there are fragments when you get to know more about the boys and their families or you get a chance to stop and think about what the writer wants to tell you but there are fragments where you go with the flow of events and wait in fraught to see how the plot will solve, too. The action many times was so gripping indeed you couldn't wait to keep reading.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is fond of reading about adventoures or mysteries.As I said the story is highly relatable because it tells first of all about friendship. The language was very accessible as well but easily you can find there some new interesting words too. In conclusion I think that the novella by Stephen King is worth attention even if you are not really intersted in his bibliography.

czwartek, 20 kwietnia 2017

"Anna Karenina" - Leo Tolstoy

 Some time ago I read a book called "Anna Karenina" written by Leo Tolstoy. I chose it because it is a very popular book and I heard a lot of different oppinions about it.
This book is called the greatest novel of all the times. 

The book is set in the 1870s, in Russia and some part in the Germany and Italy. The main characters are Anna Karenina and her lover Alexei Vronsky. The main thread is about forbidden felling between Alexei and Anna. Anna is married and had and affair with young soldier, Alexei.

"Anna Karenina" is really hard to read for someone who don't like things like love affairs or marriage problems, etc. The plot is based on too much stories about love problems or relationship problems and that is monotonous and quite boring. The good thing is that Leo Tolstoy show us a lot of divisions and customs of Russia society in 1877s. Characters show many different social layer in Russia and that is on of the most interesting thing in this book.

Everybody should read this book, just to see if maybe that book can be one of the good books in their collection. Maybe I wouldn't read it again, but someone can back to this book often.

"The Secret Adversary"

I read a book called "The Secret Adversary" by Agatha Christie. I decided to read this book because I love detective stories. For the first time I read Agatha Christie's book when I was in middle school. I had to read book about Hercules Poirot and then I wanted to read more books like this one. 

This book is set in the United Kingdom in 20th century. It is about two detectives, Tommy and Tuppence, who are looking for Jane Finn. She has documents which are very important to safety United Kingdom. Tommy and Tuppence have many dangerous adventures. 

In my opinion this book is very interesting. I really like United Kingdom and this book is set in there so this was very nice for me. The book's plot is complicated but interesting.

I recommend this book everyone who love detective stories. If you like books like this you should read this book. 

'Love Actually' by Richard Curtis

‘Love Actually’ is written by Richard Curtis. I decided to read it two months ago and I really warmed to plot. What convince me to this book is the fact, that Curtis has spoken negatively about the editing process for the film, which he labeled as a "catastrophe" and "The only nightmare scenario that I’ve been caught in". So I decided to check differences between a plot of book and film.

"Made In Dogenham" by Sally Hawkins, Bob Hoskins, Miranda Richardson

Two months ago, I borrowed a book by Sally Hawkins, Bob Hoskins, Miranda Richardson. I borowed it because I am interested in history of this book. The book was bosed on events from Ford factory in Dogenham. This event took place in 1968  in London.

"One day" by David Nicholls

“You can live your whole life not realizing that
what you're looking for is right in front of you.” 
"One day" is a novel by David Nicholls. I read it last month, because my best friend had recommended this book to me. She said that I will fall in love in this romance novel, so I decided to read it.
 This book is about difficult  friendship and love beetween two people-Emma Morley and Dexter Mayhew. Each chapter cover their lives on 15th July St. Swithin's Day. They are descent from two other social stratum.

"Just good friends" by Penny Hancock

"Just good friends" was written by Penny Hancock. I read this book two months ago, because it was my homework on a winter holiday. It was chosen for me by my friend. She said that the title fitted my life.
So I borow it.  

"Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian by T.Lennon, L.Edwards, R.B.Garant

Three months ago, I read a book "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian by Thomas Lennon, Lynda Edwards, Robert Ben Garant. I chose this book, because I like fantasy book and I read the first part. This book combinig elements of action and adveture games. 

wtorek, 28 marca 2017

The Secret Adversay by Agatha Christie

The Secret Adversay it is written by Agatha Christie. This is a detective novel. I read this book a month ago on the lessons English in school.I t was released in 1922 in the UK. The book is interesting becouse much happens.

The main characters- Tuppence and Tommy meet after years and start company of Young Adventurers. They start looking for Jane Finn, who is missing on the ship with important documents.
Not just a pair of detectives wants to get their documents and they are in trouble.

The book is read with interest and curiosity of the course of further action. I recommend to anyone who likes detective novels.

Winnie The Pooh by A.A.Milne

The Month ago I read a book " Winnie The Pooh" by A.A.Milne.  "Winnie the Pooh" is my favourite childhood book.

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In the first book of Pooh, published October 14, 1926 year there were figures such as Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Eeyore, Owl, Mama Kanga and Roo and Christopher Robin. 

Winnie the Pooh is a book that many parents think should be on the school reading list. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is a wonderful story not only friendships bbut also challenges.

Star Wars - Death Star by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry

I read this book 2 months ago. Book interest me because I'm a big fan of the movie. The interesting thing is that it is written from the perspective of the dark side of power. A stary composed of the stary of several characters.

środa, 15 marca 2017

"The Host" by Stephenie Meyer

Two months ago, I read book "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer. I chose this book, because I like fantasy and science fiction. "The Host" was released 9 May 2008. The book appeared on the top of list bestsellers New York Times.

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"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" by J. K. Rowling

I read J. K. Rowling's book called "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets". This is the second part of young wizard Harry Potter's adventures. I chose this book because I had read this in Polish language and I liked it. The next thing which made me want to read this book was the films about Harry Potter and his friends.

The book is about live in a wizard's world. The main character is Harry Potter who is living with his aunt, uncle and cousin. He and his best friends - Ron and Hermione - are second year students of Hogwart - The school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Hogwart is not safe place at all.
The Dark Lord, who killed Harry's parents- is coming back.
Lord Voldemort return as a memory.
The Chamber of Secrets has been opened.
The students are petrified.

The story is a page-turner which is constantly surprising and characters are simply and closley described.

Generally I recommend this book because it is a really brilliant novel.

"The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The Little Prince is a short story written and ilustrated by  Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - writer, poet, journalist and pioneer aviator. I read this book first time in polish version in primary school and  i really liked it so when couple months ago my English teacher gave us homework to read a simplified reading I decided to read it once again.

Narrator is a pilot who was forced to emergency landing in the Sahara desert. During the reapir of the plane he meets the title Little Prince. The Boy tells him about his life on the ateroid B-12 and about the planets he visited durnig his journey and about their inhabitants.
I particularly liked the illustrations made by the author and the styling on the fairy tale. Story is addictive and the characters met by the Little Prince are very interesting - each of them presents different views on life so every meeting teaches something to the main character. The message in the story is rather simple, but thanks to it, it is universally accessible, it can reach people of all ages.
I recommend the book "The Little Prince" because it is very simple and pleasant reading ideal for short sessions before sleep and its enriched with philosophical nuances and with a timeless message.

"A Road For Distant Hearts" - C.S. Wallace

I read this book about one month ago, and I did this because it seemed good solution for people who just learn English. It's a short story for teenagers which combine interesting story with helpful activities. You can learn a language in natural way.                            

"Dracula" by Bram Stoker

I read a book called "Dracula" by Bram Stoker two months ago, because this was my task to perform for my English lesson. I chose the book, cause this is one of the most popular book in English literature and I was always curious this story. A lot od movies and TV series are based on the book.

Winnie The Pooh by A.A Milne

Winnie The Pooh was written by A.A Milne. I read this book one month ago. I chose this book because it's a really popular book for children and adult as well.


"The Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Three months ago I read a book called "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
I got a homework from my English teacher and I had to read a English book.
I chose this book because it is very popular and short.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania the little prince

"The Little Prince " - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The last time I read a book " The little prince" wrote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. I read It a few months ago.
An interesting fact is "The Little Prince" was inspired by the aviation accident in the Sahara. The book was therapy for the author who was turbulent period in your life. This is the last book before his disappearance.
The hero of the book is a little boy - child who talks about his adventures on other planets your frined.

"Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain

 I read "Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain two months ago. I chose this book beacause I like science fiction books. "Huckleberry Finn" was released in December 1884. It is a very old book.

Place of action is on the Island of Jackson and Missisipi.
The story is about two friends and their adventures. This is a funny book but unrealistic. I recommend it to children. It is easy and fast to read
From the book you can also find out how complicated it is to help a friend escape from prison.

I recommend this book if you want to relax and like easy to read book.
I didin't like it because I don't like unrealistic stories.

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Podaj tytuł i autora książki czytanej (Three Musketeers by Alexander Dumas)

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