środa, 15 marca 2017

"The Host" by Stephenie Meyer

Two months ago, I read book "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer. I chose this book, because I like fantasy and science fiction. "The Host" was released 9 May 2008. The book appeared on the top of list bestsellers New York Times.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania the host book

Time the action takes place on Earth in future. The world has been invaded by an invisible enemy. The invaders took over the human bodies and minds and lead them a normal life. One of the last free human is Melanie Stryder. However, she falls into the human hands of enemies. In her body is placed the soul  named Wanderer. The Host explores the thoughts of the previous owner of the body for traces loading to the rest of the rebels. In the meantime, Melanie gives Wanderer more and more new memories of her beloved man, Jared, who is hiding in the desert. Wanderer is not able to separate her feelings from the desives of the body and she starts to miss for a  man, who she would help capture him. Soon, Wanderer and Melanie become allies and they go on a journey to find the last free men.

The novel has very interesting story. "The Host" is combination of romance, fantasy and science fiction. The author describes characters in great detail and perfect shows their emotions. 

According to me, "The Host" is a great written book. Stephenie Meyer surprised me incredibly well-thought out storyline and action. Although it was just a fiction, I will never forget the adventure, which I experienced with Wanderer and Melanie. After reading the book, the espression "soulmate" takes on a new surprising meaning. I recommend this book!

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