poniedziałek, 4 czerwca 2018

"The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde

The Picture of  Dorian Gray is a novel written by Irish writer Oscar Wilde. It follows a story of a young man - Dorian Gray who is extremaly handsome and sells his soul to a portrait in order to always remain young and beautiful.

I think this book is very interesting. It has the universal meaning which is that sometimes it's easy to forget about values like intelligence and respect for other people when we are paying attention only to the appearance. Dorian had to pay a big price for his wish to always look perfect.

I really enjoyed this book. Mostly beacuse I wanted to know what is going to happen to Dorian and other characters at the end. For some people it may be a little controversial but I highly recommend to read it, because It's  very good written and It's something a little bit different than things we can read these days.

For those who are interested there is movie based on the story :


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