niedziela, 3 czerwca 2018

Time Machine by H.G.Wells

"Time Machine" is a science fiction novel written by H.G.Wells. I read this book one month ago. I decided to read this novel, beacuse my friend recommended it to me.

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The main character of the book is an English scientist and inventor living in Richmond, Surrey, who built the time machine. He goes to 802 701. People on the planet were divided into two species: Morlok and Eloi. Two species of people who survives. Both stupid, some gentle like lambs, others night monsters.

This book left me with a lot of questions. I recommend to anyone who likes science fiction novel.

1 komentarz:

  1. Good job with the first part of the review. Please, add a paragraph with you evaluation of the book and place it before the ending paragraph with your recommendation.


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