sobota, 2 czerwca 2018

"About a Boy" by Nick Hornby

Some time ago I read book called "About a boy" written by Nick Hornby.
 I will read  them more. This books for sure are very exciting and full of impressions. I chose this book because I saw film about it and I wanted to read and find out the details.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania about aboy

The main character is Will Freeman. Is a thirty- six years old man who isn't working and doesn't have a family.  He's living in London. He has, house and friends.But he hasn't happiness.He's looking for a partner.Will joins the circle of single parents and creating in the imagination son named Ned. The main character met a few woman and Marcus- son one of them. This boy is twelve years old teenager who turned his world upsite down.

In my opinion this book is very interesting. It shows us situation in the everyday life. I like romantic and drama books and films so this type of book are for me.

I recommend this book  who like love stories because in this book is  some 

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